Galleries : Undying Tales 2019/2020 : UT 22 - Wild Water Buffalo



WATER BUFFALO - 6.5x6.5 inches $175.00 (SOLD)
Rat - 3.5x4.5 inches $65.00 (SOLD)
The Race - 6.5x6.5 inches $150.00 (SOLD)

Bubalus arnee

Range: India, Southeast Asia

In the Chinese Zodiac, the Ox is the second creature in the cycle. This is because when the Zodiac beings were being determined, a great race was held, and the 12 winners would be awarded places in the calendar. The Ox and Rat were both in the lead, when they came to a great river near the finish line. The Rat asked if he could ride upon the Ox's back, and Ox being good-natured, agreed, only to have the duplicitous Rat leap off his back once they had crossed the river, and cross the finish line first.

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Size: 6 x 6 inches
Medium: Ink
©2019, Stephanie Law

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