Featured Prints

Large format archival prints - sizes vary depending on prints.

Tell Me a Secret - 14x17 inch giclee print ($55.00)

To Taste a Pearl - 14x17 inch giclee print ($65.00)

Tea Ceremonies - 12x12 inch giclee print ($45.00)

VT: Wheel of Fortune - 11x17 Giclee Print ($40.00)

King of Cups - 11x17 Giclee Print ($40.00)

He is wise and understanding. He knows the meaning of patience. Like the sea turtles that swim at his side, he guides the way with a steady calm through the ever-shifting uncertainties of the vast ocean depths. He reads the knowledge of the centuries that has been etched into the patterns on their shells, and drinks in that gift with every breath taken of the water that flows in and around them all. The waters grow still and peaceful in his presence.

The seahorse is a symbol of the power of Poseidon, and is imbued with the tireless strength of the sea. He is a patient creature, swimming through the swells at his own fluid and graceful pace. That grace is armored by the spines of its exoskeleton, and the male seahorse is the protector of the young.

Entertaining the Daydream - 12x12 inch giclee print ($35.00)

Two Sides to a Leaf - 11x17 Giclee Print ($35.00)

Entwined - 11x14 inch giclee print ($40.00)

Twisting, twined, and tangled, tumbling towards the yearning sky
Like lovers locked in long embrace; their leaves drawn rustling sighs
A hundred thousand years have marked their journey on the rings
that spiral out from mingled heartwood in the song that mem'ry sings.

Awakened - 12x12 inch giclee print ($35.00)

Inner Sanctuary - 12x12 inch giclee print ($35.00)

Watchers from Above - 12x12 inch giclee print ($35.00)

Verdance - 11x14 inch giclee print ($40.00)

Original Available: $4600.00 Inquire at info@moderneden.com

The Celtic word for Oak is “daur”, the origin of the modern English word “door”, and thus the concept of doorways to otherworlds was bound into the very meaning of oak trees for the Ancient Celts. The Tree of Life (Crann Bethadh) is an tree in a graphic representation of harmony and balance, nature’s power coming together in an intertwined lacework of beauty, symmetry, and resilience. Oak trees, with their impressive size, longevity, and strength were worshipped and seen as sacred beacons for the gods. The Tree of Life embodies the interconnected nature of the world. The branches spread in a canopy of sky, while the roots reach down into the earth, and both meet in the trunk as well as the boundaries of the symbol in a singular weaving.

A Matter of Beauty - 12x12 inch giclee print ($35.00)

A Shona Creation Myth:

When God created the world, the Baobab was one of the first plants upon the African continent. It was a beautiful tree, and beloved of God, and as such it became very vocal of its opinions, and naughty in its words. After the Baobab repeatedly insulted the Zebra, Hyena, Stork, and other creatures, the creator could not take it any longer. Losing his temper, he tore the Baobab from the ground and drove it top-first into the soil, upside-down. And so the Baobab stands to this day with its root-like branches spread to the sky, and its naughty mouth under the soil where it can no longer insult others.

Kiss - 12x12 inch giclee print ($35.00)

Original painting available, $3500.00. Inquire at info@moderneden.com

One of the rare and important qualities of the `Ohi`a Tree is that it can grow in proximity to the toxic gases of volcanic lava flows. It is one of the first plants that begin the colonization process after a new lava flow has hardened.

This affinity for the tree to the landscape of volcanoes ties the tree to the lore of Pele, goddess of volcanoes. In one tale, Pele fell in love with a youth named `Ohi`a, but he loved a woman, Lehua. In a fit of jealousy and anger at the rejection, Pele turned him into a tree. The other gods took pity upon Lehua for her loss, and transformed her into a flower for the `Ohi`a tree.

Yggdrasil - 12x12 inch giclee print ($35.00)

Original Available: $4200.00 Inquire at info@moderneden.com

In the Norse epic poem, Havamal, the world tree Yggdrasil, is a giant ash tree, eternally green, at the center of the cosmos. The mighty trunk rises to the heavens, and the roots reach deep to pierce the nine realms.

Yggdrasil has three roots, each at a well. The first well, Hvergelmir, is deep below thick ice, the well of poison, but also the well of life, and from which the first living beings were created. A dragon lies here and chews upon the root. His foil is an eagle who lives at the top of the tree, and the two communicate enmity via messages carried up and down Ygdrassil’s vast trunk by a squirrel. The second root lies at Mimirs well, the well of wisdom, and the third root is tended to by the three Norn fates (past, present, future), Urd, Verdanai, and Skuld, at Urds well.

In his pursuit of higher knowledge, the god Odin sacrificed himself, wounded with a spear, to hang from the tree for nine nights. On the final night, just before he fell from the tree, Odin acquired the secrets of the runes. The story is a reminder of how knowledge and self-transformation is never attained without personal sacrifice.

Memory and Thought - 12x12 inch giclee print ($35.00)

Original Available: $3500.00 Inquire at info@moderneden.com

Yaxche - Tree of Life - 12x12 inch giclee print ($35.00)

Original Available: $3500.00 Inquire at info@moderneden.com

Towering above other trees in the Amazon jungle, the kapok tree is a giant guardian. It stretches pale green-striped branches to the sky. Its canopy spreads wide, providing shelter for many creatures, embracing the land with its arching shade. The limbs are studded with white petals of night-blooming flowers which attract bats as pollinators.
The ancient Maya held the kapok tree as sacred. It was called Yaxche, tree of life. Yaxche stands at the center of the earth as a conduit between the spirit and physical worlds. Its long vines are the channels by which the realms are interconnected.
Tucked among its roots are bats, who are representative of the underworld. The trunk is host to birds, insects, and animals, and provides them shelter and nourishment for life and growth. Perched at the crown, which points north, south, east, and west, is an eagle who represents the celestial.
Yaxche is the home for the Gods, as well as supernatural creatures, and kapok trees are revered for medicinal qualities, and the practical uses of the silk-like fibers from the seedpods.

Apples and Blood - 12x12 inch giclee print ($35.00)

Ancient Greek mythology: The great hero Heracles went to retrieve three of the golden Apples of Hesperides. The precious Apples were in a garden, guarded by Ladon, a hundred-headed dragon. Heracles killed the dragon, and as the hero left with his golden prize, the blood flowed from the monster and seeped into the ground. Green tendrils began to spring from the earth, growing into dragon trees. As the blood spread and sank into the earth, the trees grew and stretched their tangled canopies to the sky. When a dragon tree is cut, the sap weeps a sanguine red, like the blood from which the first of them sprang.

Hesperides - 12x12 inch giclee print ($35.00)

Original Available: $3500.00 Inquire at info@moderneden.com

Protectors - 12x12 inch giclee print ($35.00)

Original Available: $3500.00 Inquire at info@moderneden.com

Forest of the Deep - 12x12 inch giclee print ($35.00)

Original Available: $3500.00 Inquire at info@moderneden.com

Selkies - 11x17 Giclee Print ($40.00)

Primordial - 12x12 inch giclee print ($35.00)

Original Available: $3500.00 Inquire at info@moderneden.com

Sacred Things - 11x17 Giclee Print ($40.00)

CT09 - Cave - 11x17 Giclee Print ($45.00)

Glide - 12x12 inch giclee print ($35.00)

Moonlit - 11x17 Giclee Print ($45.00)

Potential - 11x14 inch giclee print ($35.00)

The first spark of life:
a murmur
a thought
a wish
a hope
might bes
the swelling of dreams
the thrill of potential tucked in a seed

A Ghost in the Night - 11x17 Giclee Print ($45.00)

High Priestess - 11x17 Giclee Print ($40.00)

The High Priestess turns her face to the sky. She basks in the radiance the stars cast upon her upturned cheeks. She soaks in that tremulous incandescent light, feeling it glow within her mind, opening corridors and dancing into filigree patterns.

The stars chant:
we were here when the mountains were young
and the sea was only a dream
we've seen the hills bloom with countless millions of seasons
we've watched the clouds paint their visions
in a slow language across the centuries
let us speak

At the light brush of a moth's wing across her palm, she turns her gaze to it.

"Take this as a present to your mistress," she says. She plucks the filigree orb of light from the air and holds it out to the emissary of the Moth Queen. "I know my sister appreciates tales. Tell her that this holds the stories of the stars."

The little orb pulses with a fiery heartbeat, and the moth flutters as if to acknowledge.

Meaning: Wisdom, knowledge, learning, intuition, purity, virtue. The Owl is a keeper of knowledge, and he bears a key to unlock mysteries. The pomegranate is an icon of Persephone, who tasted the seeds and thus tied herself to Hades -- it is a fruit of fertility and death; and the moons embroidered upon her garments wax and wane. The new crescent, and gibbous moon that create the full cycle, embraced in one.

Nocturne - In the Wake of Her Passage - 12x12 inch giclee print ($35.00)

A faery queen glides through her domain.

Fencewalker, Quiverclaw, and Fritti - 11x17 Giclee Print ($45.00)

Tangeloor Firefoot - 11x17 Giclee Print ($45.00)

Bridge Crossing - 11x17 Giclee Print ($45.00)

At the Rootwood - 11x17 Giclee Print ($45.00)

New Love - 11x17 Giclee Print ($45.00)

Stories to Tell - 11x14 inch giclee print ($40.00)

Tailchasers Song - 11x17 Giclee Print ($45.00)

Shadow - 12x12 inch giclee print ($35.00)

Lovely Distractions - 12x12 inch giclee print ($35.00)

Deep Roots - 11x17 Giclee Print ($40.00)

Guides - 12x12 inch giclee print ($35.00)

Earthy Prayers - 12x12 inch giclee print ($35.00)

Yexian - Festival Night - 14x17 inch giclee print ($65.00)

Yexian of the Chinese Cinderella story, in her kingfisher finery on festival night.

Yexian - With Pure Heart - 14x17 inch giclee print ($65.00)

Yexian of the Chinese Cinderella story, and the magic fish that grants her wishes.

Legato - 12x12 inch giclee print ($35.00)

Dragon II - 12x12 inch giclee print ($35.00)

Nine Tails - 11x14 inch giclee print ($38.00)

Wild Gifts - 12x12 inch giclee print ($35.00)

Magpie - 11x17 Giclee Print ($40.00)

Weaving the Threads - 11x17 Giclee Print ($45.00)

Shadow in the Night - 12x12 inch giclee print ($35.00)

World - 11x17 Giclee Print ($40.00)

Achieving balance, realizing goals and prospering, attainment of the heart's desire, fulfillment, peace of mind.

Twinned Flight - 11x14 inch giclee print ($40.00)

dragon & unicorn

Vertical Aspirations - 11x17 Giclee Print ($45.00)

Song III: Rhythms - 12x12 inch giclee print ($38.00)

To view the entire collection of Garden Wild go to https://havengallery.com/portfolio/stephanie-law-garden-wild/ with inquiries for availability.

A Gathering - 12x12 inch giclee print ($35.00)

Yexian - Of Kingfishers and Bones - 12x12 inch giclee print ($35.00)

Yexian of the Chinese Cinderella story, in her kingfisher finery

Dreaming Blossoms - 12x12 inch giclee print ($35.00)

Keeper of the Garden - 17x18 Giclee Print (100) ($70.00)

Keeper of the Garden - 12x12 inch giclee print ($35.00)

Thriae - Daphnis - 14x17 inch giclee print ($55.00)

In The Homeric Hymns, the Thriae were a trio of nymphs on Mount Parnassus, who were said to have taught and given Apollo the gift of prophecy. They were called Melissae, bee-priestesses, with pollen in their hair and honeybee wings.

Thriae - Melaina - 14x17 inch giclee print ($55.00)

In The Homeric Hymns, the Thriae were a trio of nymphs on Mount Parnassus, who were said to have taught and given Apollo the gift of prophecy. They were called Melissae, bee-priestesses, with pollen in their hair and honeybee wings.

Thriae - Kleodora - 14x17 inch giclee print ($55.00)

In The Homeric Hymns, the Thriae were a trio of nymphs on Mount Parnassus, who were said to have taught and given Apollo the gift of prophecy. They were called Melissae, bee-priestesses, with pollen in their hair and honeybee wings.

Song of Wild Growth - 12x12 inch giclee print ($38.00)

To view the entire collection of Garden Wild go to https://havengallery.com/portfolio/stephanie-law-garden-wild/ with inquiries for availability.

Against Unseen Foes - 11x17 Giclee Print ($45.00)

To view the entire collection of Garden Wild go to https://havengallery.com/portfolio/stephanie-law-garden-wild/ with inquiries for availability.

Her Garden - 11x17 Giclee Print ($55.00)

She was a strange child, quiet and thoughtful; and while her sisters would be delighted with the wonderful things which they obtained from the wrecks of vessels, she cared for nothing but her pretty red flowers, like the sun, excepting a beautiful marble statue. It was the representation of a handsome boy, carved out of pure white stone, which had fallen to the bottom of the sea from a wreck. She planted by the statue a rose-colored weeping willow. It grew splendidly, and very soon hung its fresh branches over the statue, almost down to the blue sands. The shadow had a violet tint, and waved to and fro like the branches; it seemed as if the crown of the tree and the root were at play, and trying to kiss each other. Nothing gave her so much pleasure as to hear about the world above the sea. She made her old grandmother tell her all she knew of the ships and of the towns, the people and the animals. To her it seemed most wonderful and beautiful to hear that the flowers of the land should have fragrance, and not those below the sea; that the trees of the forest should be green; and that the fishes among the trees could sing so sweetly, that it was quite a pleasure to hear them. Her grandmother called the little birds fishes, or she would not have understood her; for she had never seen birds.
---Hans Christian Andersen: The Little Mermaid

Nocturne - Enchantment - 11x17 Giclee Print ($45.00)

A wanderer stumbles upon a faery rising from magical pools in an ancient forest.

By the light of fireflies, will-o-wisps and glow-lights, a queen of the fae steps across the still pools. We watch her, entranced, enchanted, and time ceases in the twilight. Not day, not night, but a time in between that hangs suspended and sustained. Faery is a realm that hovers on the edges of perception, half of this world, and half of dream. A musician friend had a conversation with me once about the nature of inspiration. He was a trumpet player, in a salsa band, not involved at all in the mythic arts. But he looked on my paintings, and likened the act of creation that any artist engages in (whether it is visual, physical, musical or written), with a mental foray into the actual domain of Faery. Somehow, we see, hear, believe, envision, or perhaps spiritually visit a realm beyond the perception of mortal eyes and body, and then transcribe that experience as best we can into a physical form.

Wonderland - White Queen - 12x12 inch giclee print ($40.00)

Wonderland - A Difficult Game - 12x12 inch giclee print ($40.00)

The chief difficulty Alice found at first was in managing her flamingo: she succeeded in getting its body tucked away, comfortably enough, under her arm, with its legs hanging down, but generally, just as she had got its neck nicely straightened out, and was going to give the hedgehog a blow with its head, it WOULD twist itself round and look up in her face, with such a puzzled expression that she could not help bursting out laughing: and when she had got its head down, and was going to begin again, it was very provoking to find that the hedgehog had unrolled itself, and was in the act of crawling away: besides all this, there was generally a ridge or furrow in the way wherever she wanted to send the hedgehog to, and, as the doubled-up soldiers were always getting up and walking off to other parts of the ground, Alice soon came to the conclusion that it was a very difficult game indeed.

- Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll

Wonderland - March Hare - 12x12 inch giclee print ($40.00)

“You might just as well say,” added the March Hare, “that *I like what I get* is the same thing as *I get what I like*!”

“You might just as well say, ” added the Dormouse, who seemed to be talking in his sleep, “that *I breathe when I sleep* is the same thing as *I sleep when I breathe*!”

- Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll

Climbing the Dragon Gate - 14x17 inch giclee print ($50.00)

In Chinese and Japanese legend the lowly carp spends its life trying to swim up the Yellow River. At the source of the river is a great roaring waterfall. If the koi were able to swim up that waterfall, it would be rewarded and transformed into a dragon. Thus, the koi is a symbol of personal advancement, perseverance, determination in the face of impossible obstacles, and inner strength. The journey of the carp to become a dragon was a metaphor for young scholars passing the Chinese state exams and become a mandarin.

Doorway 2 - 12x12 inch giclee print ($40.00)

Inner Workings - 14x17 inch giclee print ($65.00)

The strange and beautiful tie of the rules of mathematics and physics, to the organic wonder and growth of life and nature.

A Dream of Grace - 14x17 inch giclee print ($60.00)

A kitsune fox-spirit walks through the woods....

* * *

A dream of mist:
of ghostly shapes,
of sauntering shadows,
beneath moon's pale disk.

A dream of trees:
that rake the sky,
of silent sentinels,
a lattice of etched leaves.

A dream of beauty:
she glides with a grace
of a leaf skirting the wind,
silver moon-touched face.

Queen of Spades Sends Her Regards - 14x17 inch giclee print ($60.00)

Bridge of Wings - The Herder - 14x17 inch giclee print ($60.00)

There is a legend of lovers: it is said that the stars Altair and Vega in the summer night sky are the celestial glimmers of the Weaver Girl and Herder Boy. The Milky Way spills in a glistening river, sprawling across the heavens, and forever keeping the lovers apart, except for once a year when all the magpies of the world would fly up and form a bridge of wings that the Herder Boy and Weaver Girl might briefly touch, before spinning back to their corners of the sky. This is one of the reasons why magpies are considered auspicious birds and bringers of good fortune.

To see -The Weaver-, click here

Bridge of Wings - The Weaver - 14x17 inch giclee print ($60.00)

There is a legend of lovers: it is said that the stars Altair and Vega in the summer night sky are the celestial glimmers of the Weaver Girl and Herder Boy. The Milky Way spills in a glistening river, sprawling across the heavens, and forever keeping the lovers apart, except for once a year when all the magpies of the world would fly up and form a bridge of wings that the Herder Boy and Weaver Girl might briefly touch, before spinning back to their corners of the sky. This is one of the reasons why magpies are considered auspicious birds and bringers of good fortune.

Green Gate - 14x17 inch giclee print ($65.00)

Queen of Cups - 11x17 Giclee Print ($40.00)

Her very being is a creative nexus, she is poetry in motion, imagination incarnate. She can dance upon the swells of the ever-shifting, ever-changing seas, in unison with the dance of life that engages all the world and its creatures around her. Guided by instincts, she is attuned to that otherworld and finds joy in that communion of kindred spirits. For another who did not comprehend her synchronicity, a mistep from her position would mean a plunge into unfathomed depths, but not so for the Queen of Cups. She dances on, embraced by the endless azure ocean and heavens, and where the sea meets the sky there is no seam.

King of Swords - 11x17 Giclee Print ($40.00)

Like the vertical sword he holds at the ready, he is a pillar of strength and morality. He holds power over life and death. He is a warrior king, sword always drawn and prepared to spring to action should the need arise. He carries through with his actions, following the path of truth that the blade lights for him. He is led on by the silent wisdom of the owl, and the shadowy ravens that trail him like Hugin and Mugin, Odin's twin ravens Thought and Memory. They fly away to seek out truths and bring their findings back to be whispered in his ear. The balance of night and day is embodied in those avian companions.

The shadows of the night descend upon his shoulders, a living mantle of porphyry, a color the ancient Greeks associated with royalty.

And the base of the throne is etched with da Vinci's Vetruvian Man, symbolic of the blend of art and science; of the symmetry in the human body, and in the whole of the universe.

Wonderland - Cheshire Cat - 12x12 inch giclee print ($40.00)

“Well! I’ve often seen a cat without a grin,” thought Alice; “but a grin without a cat! It is the most curious thing I ever saw in all my life!” —Chapter 6, Alice in Wonderland

Making - 12x12 inch giclee print ($35.00)

Variable Checkerspot Butterfly - 12x12 Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($35.00)

Euphydryas chalcedona - Variable Checkerspot

The Variable Checkerspot butterfly and several of the plants that they use for hosting of larval state, and nectar for adults.
Diplacus aurantiacus - Bush Monkeyflower
Rosa gymnocarpa - Dwarf Rose
Eriodictyon californicum - Yerba Santa

Acmon Blue Butterfly - 12x12 Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($35.00)

Plebejus acmon - Acmon Blue

The Acmon Blue butterfly and several of the plants that they use for hosting of larval state, and nectar for adults.
Eriogonum fasciculatum - Eastern Mojave buckwheat
Asclepias californica - California Milkweed
Lotus oblongifolius - Meadow lotus
Lupinus argenteus - Silvery Lupine

Slivers of the Moon - 12x17 Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($57.00)

Flow VIII: Following the Stars - 12x12 Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($35.00)

Flow VI: A Detached Shadow - 12x12 Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($35.00)

California Sister Butterfly - 12x12 Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($35.00)

California Sister - Adelpha californica
Coast Live Oak - Quercus agrifolia
Canyon Live Oak - Quercus chrysolepis
Toyon - Heteromeles arbutifolia

Pipevine Swallowtail Butterfly - 12x12 Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($35.00)

Pipevine Swallowtail - battus philenor
California Pipevine - Aristolochia californica
Cobweb thistle - Cirsium occidentale
California brodiaea - Brodiaea californica

Dudleya Frank Reinelt - 12x16 inch Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($39.00)

NOTE: Prints of this item are on pre-order and will not ship until Mid-June, 2020.

Seasons: Summer - 12x22 imited Ed Giclee (100) ($60.00)

Blodeuwedd of Welsh mythology, also called ~Flower-faced~, and who was transformed into an owl.

Seasons: Winter - 12x22 imited Ed Giclee (100) ($60.00)

Seasons: Autumn - 12x22 imited Ed Giclee (100) ($60.00)

Seasons: Spring - 12x22 imited Ed Giclee (100) ($60.00)

In Greek Mythology, Callisto who was a nymph and daughter of Lycaon. She was transformed in to a bear, and is known as the constellation Ursa Major.

In the Gardens of the Sun - 12x14 inch Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($45.00)

In the Gardens of the Moon - 12x14 inch Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($45.00)

Stealing Embers - 8x16 Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($30.00)

Forgotten Places - 8x16 Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($30.00)

Bearing Secrets - 8x16 Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($30.00)

Convergence III - 12x20 Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($85.00)

Original Painting is AVAILABLE

Contact info@havenartgallery.com if interested in this piece.
Full catalog for Awaken can be seen at: http://www.havenartgallery.com/portfolio/stephanie-law-awaken/

Aspiration - 20x14 Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($85.00)

Original: SOLD

Contact info@havenartgallery.com if interested in other paintings from the Awaken series: http://www.havenartgallery.com/portfolio/stephanie-law-awaken/

Gate - 20x14 Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($85.00)

Full catalog for Awaken can be seen at: http://www.havenartgallery.com/portfolio/stephanie-law-awaken/

By the Light of the Moon - 16x24 Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($85.00)

Full catalog for Awaken can be seen here: http://www.havenartgallery.com/portfolio/stephanie-law-awaken/

Incantations - 12x17 Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($65.00)

Three Fates - 12x14 inch Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($45.00)

Echeveria and Hummingbird - 12x16 inch Limited Edition Giclee (50) ($35.00)

Yexian - Transformations - 12x17 Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($65.00)

Original painting is watercolor and gold leaf, in a custom designed wood lasercut frame, and sealed with resin.

Print is unframed (the frame shown in the first picture is an integrated part of the original painting)

Mosaic IV - Vanishing - 12x17 Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($55.00)

Copiapoa cinerea - 12x16 inch Limited Edition Giclee (50) ($35.00)

Seeking - 12x14 inch Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($35.00)

Copiapoa hasseltonia - 12x16 inch Limited Edition Giclee (50) ($35.00)

A Meeting of Tangled Paths - 12x17 Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($60.00)

Moon Gazing - 12x17 Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($55.00)

Raven God - 12x17 Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($55.00)

One of Norse god Odin's many names: Hrafnagud, Raven God. For his companions Huginn and Muninn. They fly out across the world at dawn and return to him in the evening with information of what they have seen.

Dudleya Figueroa Moutains - 12x16 inch Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($35.00)

Aloe erinacea - 12x16 inch Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($35.00)

Bits of Divinity I - 12x16 inch Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($55.00)

Crassula deceptor - 12x16 inch Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($35.00)

Bits of Divinity II - 12x16 inch Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($55.00)

Flow Series - 18x24 Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($45.00)

Moving Through the Spaces Between - 17x18 Giclee Print (100) ($75.00)

The Blue Below - 11x17 Giclee Print ($45.00)

The Blue Above - 11x17 Giclee Print ($45.00)

Entertaining the Daydream - 17x18 Giclee Print (100) ($75.00)

Wavewalker - 12x14 inch Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($35.00)

Moment of Suspension - 12x17 Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($65.00)

Continuum - 16x24 Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($88.00)

Dudleya brittonni - 12x16 inch Limited Edition Giclee (50) ($39.00)

Giant Chalk Cabbage

Essence - Dragonfly - 12x14 inch Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($40.00)

Tangled Threads - 12x20 Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($60.00)

Entropic Corporeality - 17x23 Limited Edition Giclee (50) ($95.00)

Transference of the Muse - 17x23 Limited Edition Giclee (50) ($98.00)

Essence - Bee - 12x14 inch Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($40.00)

Cats Cradle - 14x24 Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($75.00)

On Silent Wings - 12x14 inch Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($45.00)

Rebirth - 12x14 inch Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($45.00)

Regeneration - 12x14 inch Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($45.00)

Seeking Other Skies - 12x17 Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($75.00)

Flow - 12x12 Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($45.00)

Entangle - 14x17 inch giclee print ($65.00)

Blue Rose - 18x24 Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($75.00)

Thought and Memory - 12x14 inch Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($45.00)

Rootbound - 20x24 Limted Edition Giclee (100) ($65.00)

Transition - 12x17 Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($55.00)

Companion piece to Trance and Descension

Descension - 12x17 Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($55.00)

Companion piece to Trance and Transition

Awakened - 17x18 Giclee Print (100) ($75.00)

She Sleeps - 17x18 Giclee Print (100) ($75.00)

Descants - 14x17 inch giclee print ($65.00)

Reverie - 12x12 Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($35.00)

Trance - 12x17 Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($55.00)

Companion piece to Transition and Descension

Insecta - Dragonfly - 12x12 Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($40.00)

Her Joys and Her Sorrows - 17x23 Limited Edition Giclee (50) ($75.00)

Thriae - Daphnis - 18x24 Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($75.00)

In The Homeric Hymns, the Thriae were a trio of nymphs on Mount Parnassus, who were said to have taught and given Apollo the gift of prophecy. They were called Melissae, bee-priestesses, with pollen in their hair and honeybee wings.

Acorns - 11x14 inch giclee print ($25.00)

Snow Flurry Camellia - 11x14 inch giclee print ($25.00)

Camellia oleifera

Dreamsign - 17x18 Giclee Print (100) ($70.00)

Dreamsign -- the elusive anomaly that a dreamer can learn to use to gain lucidity. It is a moment when clarity pierces the fog. Ironically it is often in the form of the nonsensical and out-of-place. Suddenly the fabrications of the mind become apparent as such. Exhilaration and control take the place of fear, anxiety, or confusion, and perhaps carry over in some small measure to the waking. Muhru is dreamsign. The sound of his wings beat like a pulse through all dreams, and he is the guardian of the thin line the separates the knowing from the unknowing.

Scherzando - 12x12 Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($39.00)

Allegro - 16x24 Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($75.00)

The tempo increases, and we must follow, drawn on by the rhythm and the music that beats through the earth into the soles of our feet.

Magpie Rhyme - 18x24 Limited Edition with gold (100) ($95.00)

Avalon - 16x24 Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($88.00)

Avalon is known as the isle where the legendary sword Excalibur was forged, and as the final resting place of King Arthur after the Battle of Camlann where he fell in battle against Mordred. Arthur was taken to the mystical isle, not dead, but awaiting a time when he would be needed again to rise up and lead the people. The name of the island is often thought to be derived from the Old Welsh word for apple, and thus it is the Isle of Apples. It is this image that has always struck a chord for me -- the vision of a paradise, covered in lush and cultured growth that apple orchards call to mind. Some say that the actual town of Glastonbury was the ancient Avalon. Not a true island, it is instead surrounded by marshlands, and rising up above the fens is the towering bulk of Glastonbury Tor. I referenced the ruins of a monastery at Glastonbury for the architecture in this piece, borrowing from the entropy and adding the element of the fantastical, for isn't that what Avalon is? A place outside of time and outside of this realm of reality. A shadow-sister existence to Glastonbury, where a tor is an island and marsh is a magical lake. The power of myth resonating against reality.

Labyrinthine - 17x30 inch print ($85.00)

Mechanism - 17x30 inch print ($65.00)

A butterfly.

On the Darkest Night - 17x30 inch print ($125.00)

Faery festivities

Where The Shadow Used to Fall - 17x30 inch print ($90.00)

We walked once where the shadow used to fall:
watched the eclipse blot out the sun,
and the streaming beams between the
pinhole gaps of leaves became
a cascade of glowing crescents across the ground.

Where the shadow used to fall,
the rain did not.
Dense, dry, fallen carpet of the years
pooled at the Giant's feet.
Blanket of crisp leaves and needles. Sap and compost.

My shadow falls, where its shadow used to fall;
and when the sun fades to my back,
I stand upon the hundred rings.
I reach my fingers up up UP to a ghost canopy.
The sunset melts amber sap down my shoulder blades,
down my spine.
And I watch as my shadow grows tall,
then melts into the shadow-less evening.

Black Knight of Dark Night - 12x12 inch giclee print ($35.00)

Baba Yaga of Slavic folklore: she was wise woman and witch, bestower of gifts and curses, life and death, crone, grandmother, and goddess. "My white knight, bright day. My red knight, round sun. My black knight, dark night," so she names her three servants.

Red Knight of Burning Day - 12x12 inch giclee print ($35.00)

Baba Yaga of Slavic folklore: she was wise woman and witch, bestower of gifts and curses, life and death, crone, grandmother, and goddess. "My white knight, bright day. My red knight, round sun. My black knight, dark night," so she names her three servants.

White Knight of Bright Morning - 12x12 inch giclee print ($35.00)

Baba Yaga of Slavic folklore: she was wise woman and witch, bestower of gifts and curses, life and death, crone, grandmother, and goddess. "My white knight, bright day. My red knight, round sun. My black knight, dark knight," so she names her three servants.

Filling Up the Sea - 11x17 Giclee Print ($40.00)

A Chinese fable:

The youngest daughter of the Emperor one day took a boat out to sea. As she sailed, the Ocean grew fierce and a storm blew up without warning, capsizing the boat and drowning the girl. She was transformed into a magical bird, living on an island rock in the middle of the Ocean. Each day she would fly back and forth from her rock to the Ocean, dropping one stone or twig at a time into the pounding waves, crying, "Jing wei jing wei!" as she did so (and thus how she came to be called the jing wei bird).

One day the Ocean grew tired of her pestering. "Why do you throw your little stones into me day after day?!" the Ocean roared.

"I will fill you up with my twigs and stones, that you claim no other hapless victim!" the jing wei bird responded.

The Ocean laughed. "Foolish little bird. You cannot fill me up! I am vast and endless!"

The little bird was not deterred. "I will continue to throw stones into you, and I will succeed even if it takes me a thousand years!"

And so the saying came about that One has the indomitable spirit of the jing wei bird.

Tam Lin - The Faery Host - 17x33 inch Giclee ($125.00)

The giclee print of this piece is a small limited edition run of 100 prints.

Gloomy, gloomy was the night,
And eerie was the way,
As fair Jenny in her green mantle
To Miles Cross she did gae.

At the mirk and midnight hour
She heard the bridles sing,
She was as glad at that
As any earthly thing.

-Child ballad #39A Tam Lin
The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, 1882-1898 by Francis James Child

Dragon Pearl - 20x14 Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($60.00)

There is a Chinese story of the dragon's pearl.

On day, a young boy was out looking for food. He came across a beautiful giant pearl nestled in the rice fields. He takes it home with him and shows it to his mother. Afraid that the other villagers will be jealous, she quickly hides it inside a near-empty rice jar.

The next day as the mother prepares to make food, she opens the rice jar and to her astonishment, jar is brimming with rice. The pearl gleams among the white grains. "It is a miraculous pearl!" she and the boy exclaim in wonder. Joyously, they share the rice among their neighbors, careful to keep the source the the plenty a secret.

But as secrets have a way of doing, it eventually got out and the villagers became wild with jealousy.

They came raiding the house of the boy and his mother, determined to possess the magical pearl, and in the confusion and violence, the boy swallowed the pearl.

He was transformed into a beautiful dragon, and he danced away into the heavens with the flaming pearl.

Frogwings - 20x30 Limited Edition Lithograph (1000) ($15.00)

Dryads, allow your spindly arms
to embrace crystal pearls
A lovely, flighted maiden rests -
guard her with twisted curls.
Soothing mists with rising crests
recall lost fleet of spawn;
the winged race, reptillian pests
sing, lullabye the dawn.
Time soon forgets, the hour swirls
upon a shim'ring lawn
Freckled by mushrooms hiding
till all mortal faces gone.
And true, time sleeps but biding
while fate's shining knight comes riding
As the vestel stays, sweet chiding
fairied frogs who speak light charms.

--Earth's Song by Emily Wunder

Tiranna - 17x30 inch print ($20.00)

Illustration for Altimer's Cross.

In ages past, she could care for herself.
She knew every rock and every tree and every stream.
She was the heart of the world, and all the land obeyed her.

But that was the past.

She is in me now, and I help her read the signs.
When the animals flee, I am the tree that shelters them.
When the trees choke the land, I am the fire that cleanses them.
When the fire burns free, I am the rain that quenches it.
And when dark things come, I am the knife

-- from The World Tree

First Last Unicorn - 20x14 Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($40.00)

Cover illustration for Peter S. Beagle's upcoming collection THE FIRST LAST UNICORN AND OTHER BEGINNINGS, which will be printed by Tachyon Publications.

Foxknot - 17x18 Giclee Print (100) ($35.00)

Celtic knotwork with foxes and birds.

Catknot - 17x18 Giclee Print (100) ($35.00)

Celtic knotwork with cats and fish.

Dragonknot - 17x18 Giclee Print (100) ($35.00)

Celtic knotwork with fantasy dragons.

Cradle of Life - 16x26 Limited Edition Lithograph (1000) ($35.00)

Inspired by the short story Green Serpent by Marie-Catherine D'Aulnoy, a 17th century version of the old Psyche and Eros tale. However, Eros is replaced with a man cursed with the form of a green serpent. The curse is his penance for slighting a goddess. The following is an excerpt from the part when the princess (Psyche-role) first comes to the prince/serpent's palace on his island. She was taken there by a magic ship, but midway to her destination, there was a storm. "Completely at the mercy of the winds, the vessel drifted on until it struck a rock and immediately shattered into pieces. The poor princess realized that mere philosophizing would not save her in such a catastrophe, and she grabbed onto some pieces of the wreck, so she thought, for she felt herself buoyed in the water and fortunately reached the shore, coming to rest at the foot of a towering boulder. Alas, she was horrified to discover that her savior was none other than the green serpent!"

Autumn Foxfire - 20x30 Limited Edition Lithograph (1000) ($40.00)

"...The fox leapt off the bed in a blur of motion. She whipped her tail around, and between one blink of the eye and the next, it was no longer a russet fox that crouched on the floor, but a woman-goddess fierce to gaze upon. She stood slowly, gracefully. Now, the Emperor had seen carvings and paintings of Liri, as I am sure you have. Sometimes she is depicted as an innocuous little fox. At other times she is a warrior of fiery hair and will. And then there is her third form - Liri of the Wood. In this form she is all that is wild. She is hidden desire whether it be passion for love or passion to kill. She is a Trickster, a Scholar, a Musician, and a Lover...."

I am fog and fickle mist
I am all that can't be tamed
I am born of devil's kiss
Sear potential unrestrained

In Cathedrals of the Forest - 17x30 inch print ($85.00)

Take me with you on this journey
Where the boundaries of time are now tossed
In cathedrals of the forest
In the words of the tongues now lost
--Loreena McKennitt, "Night Ride Across the Caucasus"--

Embrace - 12x22 Limited Edition Lithograph (1000) ($35.00)

A paladin.

Entwined - 18x29 Limited Edition Lithograph (1000) ($45.00)

Twisting, twined, and tangled, tumbling towards the yearning sky
Like lovers locked in long embrace; their leaves drawn rustling sighs
A hundred thousand years have marked their journey on the rings
that spiral out from mingled heartwood in the song that mem'ry sings.

Chessmates - 18x24 Limited Edition Giclee (100) ($65.00)

What else is there to do while idling away the hours in a forest?