Galleries : Undying Tales 2021 : UT 29 - Bees


Status: While the folklore tradition of the world is rich with stories and beliefs about bees, they often focus on the domesticated honeybees, which play such a crucial role in their connection with humans for agriculture, as well as in our use of honey and wax. We often forget, then and now, that the bees that truly need our attention and saving though, are the wild native bees that live in all regions, hurting for pesticides, lack of native flora, and habitat destruction.

The Hindu divinity Bhramari is the “goddess of black bees”. She earned this name and title when she defeated the renegade demon ArunadAnava, who invaded the heavens with his demon accomplices, and attempted to dislodge the gods from their abodes.

The wives of the gods plead and supplicated Lord Shiva and the goddess Parvati, at which she answered. Swarms of black bees flew from her hands. Their humming filled the air, and blocked out the light of the sun so that the sky went from blue to black night. As the demons were defeated and driven away, the bees flew off into the world, living emblems of Bhramari`s protection of the world.

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Size: 7 x 7 inches
Medium: Ink
©2021, Stephanie Law
Original: Sold

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