In one of the oldest tales, there is the Choice: knowledge and fulfillment of worldly senses, or the simplicity of an ever-present Now. To be drawn into an embrace, to seek that union that all souls ache for and desire, to know the One-ness of passion and love, and to revel in it. Their eyes are open, but they gaze only at each other, oblivious to the sun that goes on turning above them, and the gaze of the heavens. Neither crown of kings, nor crown of peasants grace their brows, for the forces gathering around them make no such distinctions; and indeed their own senses have no awareness of such either. Take this seed, he says to her, placing an acorn in her palm. Water it with the fount of your spirit and your intentions. And we shall see what grows of that, she replies. Meaning: Union, balance, energy, flow, passion, melding of heart and mind, forming a union or marriage. Though it can be romantic in nature, it is not necessarily so. The lovers is also about determining values and struggling with choices -- the innocence embodied in the turtledoves is a contrast to the shiny red apple in the embrace of the snake, one of the oldest symbols of temptation.
Size: 8 x 14 inches Detail closeups: ![]()